

City leaders investigate the construction site of ZTC's high-end cable expansion project

Time:2022-08-12   Views:1569

On August 12, Chang Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee and executive Vice mayor, Sha Liping, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Metallurgical Park and secretary of the Party Committee of Jifeng Town, led a team to inspect Tengenchi high-end cable expansion project. Relevant leaders from the Municipal Government Office, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Bureau of Resources Planning, the Bureau of Housing and Construction, and the Bureau of Examination and Approval accompanied the inspection, accompanied by the Party Branch Secretary Zhu Xuefang and the Director Xue Yang。

During the in-depth inspection, Mayor Chang had a detailed understanding of the planning of the new project, the investment of the new production line and the progress of the project construction. He gave full affirmation to the highlights of the project and placed high hopes on the prospect of the project. On the site project, Mayor Chang once again emphasized that attention must be paid to construction safety, to ensure the quality of the project, construction safety, epidemic prevention and control safety under the premise of speeding up the construction progress, to ensure that the project can be completed on schedule with quality.

ZTC high-end cable expansion project as one of the major projects to promote the city, we will live up to the leadership inculcate, earnestly looking forward to. The company will concentrate its efforts to compete for progress, reverse schedule and wall chart operations, and devote all its efforts to project construction under the premise of ensuring project quality, construction safety and epidemic prevention and control safety.
